I Accidentally Admitted Fault After an Accident – Can I Still File a Claim?

If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident, everything you do and say at the scene and afterwards will be heavily scrutinized by the other party. Here’s what you should know about accidentally admitting fault after a collision and how to get trustworthy, reliable legal help when you need it most. 

Remember That the Insurance Companies Are Not Working In Your Favor 

Many people believe that their car insurance companies are working for them, not against them. This couldn’t be less true. Remember that the insurance company doesn’t want to pay your claim; it means they lose money. If they can shift the blame in order to do so, they likely will. 

How an Admission of Fault Impacts Your Car Accident Claim 

If you make an admission of fault or say anything that can be construed as such, you may have difficulty obtaining compensation for the damages you incurred as a result of the accident. The insurance company may deny your claim outright and if you pursue litigation, the defense attorney may use your statments to sway the jury into believing their client wasn’t even partially at fault for the incident. 

In some cases, you may not be able to pursue a claim at all depending on your insurance and what statements were made. 

Phrases Not to Say During an Accident Investigation 

Here are several things you want to avoid saying at the scene of a car accident or when you’re being questioned by law enforcement or insurance carriers about the incident: 

  • “I’m sorry.” 
  • “I didn’t see you.” 
  • “I wasn’t paying attention.” 
  • “I was on my phone.” 
  • “I can’t believe I did that.” 
  • “My vehicle hasn’t been working properly and I haven’t gotten it fixed yet.” 

These phrases and similar can indicate you believe you did something wrong, even if you’re just simply expressing regret that you and the other driver are in this situation. Apart from asking if the other driver needs help or is hurt, it’s best not to say anything to them or answer any questions they may ask. 

Get Help From an Experienced Los Angeles Personal Injury Lawyer Today 

Being in an accident, whether it was your fault or not, is a devastating and life changing experience. You need strong legal advocacy to ensure your rights and best interests are protected during the upcoming days, weeks, and months. Contact Chad Lewin today for a consultation to get started.