Is Your Insurance Company Acting In Bad Faith?

Your Insurance Company Has Your Back Right?

Although you pay for motor vehicle insurance to protect you when you need it, that’s the last thing that insurance companies want to do. Often, they’ll find ways to pay the least amount of damages on a claim or to deny the claim altogether, even in cases where the insured was clearly injured and it wasn’t their fault. 

Here are some signs that your insurance company may be acting in bad faith and what steps to take next. 

Delaying Your Claim

  • They’re Delaying the Processing of Your Accident Claim: It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to take some time getting back to you. They’re working on a lot of claims and it’s reasonable that they would need time to get the paperwork together, perform evaluations, and conduct research before reaching out. 

However, if this stretches on for a significant amount of time past what would ordinarily be considered reasonable, they may be giving you the run-around. Insurance carriers are required to act in good faith to their insured, which includes processing your claim and communicating with you in a timely manner.  

Lowball Settlement Offers

  • They Offer You a Ridiculously Low Settlement: It’s normal for an insurance company to lowball the first settlement offer. After all, they are a business in the business of trying not to lose money. However, if the settlement offer you receive is insultingly low or fails to take into account all the circumstances surrounding the accident and your injuries, this may be an indicator that your insurance company is acting in bad faith. 

Claim Denials

  • Your Claim Was Denied Even Though It Should Have Been Covered: Sometimes, insurance companies will deny a claim outright without ever really evaluating it. This is particularly true in cases where what happened to cause the accident appears clear off the bat and the insurance adjuster doesn’t bother checking the details. If your claim was rejected and your policy clearly states that it should be covered, this may be a sign that your insurance company is not acting in good faith. 

Think Your Insurance is Acting in Bad Faith? Get Help Today 

If you believe your insurance company may be acting in bad faith after you or a loved one were hurt in an accident, don’t wait to get legal help. You need someone on your side who can work with the insurance company and make sure they adhere to proper conduct when handling your case. Contact Chad Lewin today for your free consultation.