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When you receive a settlement offer for an injury, it can be difficult to know whether or not you should accept it. Here are some indicators that your settlement offer is adequate and how to get legal help maximizing the compensation you deserve after being hurt in an accident that wasn’t your fault. 

You’ve Reached Maximum Medical Improvement 

Considering a settlement offer before you’ve reached maximum medical improvement can be detrimental to your case. If you’re not yet finished receiving medical treatment and there’s still room for healing, it’s impossible to know what kind of medical expenses you will continue to have and if you will be able to fully recover. 

The Settlement Covers All Of Your Economic Damages 

An easy way to tell right away if you have a good settlement offer or not is whether or not it coveres all of your economic damages, such as medical bills and lost wages. If it doesn’t, it’s already insufficient; you at least deserve a settlement that covers all the financial costs that you incurred as a result of the injury. 

It Accounts For Future Medical Expenses Related to the Injury 

If you expect to have future medical costs related to your injury, these should be included in your settlement offer. Once you accept a settlement, you won’t be able to pursue more money, even if you still have related expenses. Your offer should provide enough money to pay for future medications, rehabilitation, ongoing therapy, and any other reasonably anticipated medical expense. 

It Awards Sufficient Non-Economic Damages 

Pain and suffering should be included in your settlement without question, but how much compensation you should receive for it is variable and subjective. If the offer includes no restitution for pain and suffering or other non-economic damages, you should consider making a counteroffer with evidence of the physical and emotional impact the injury has had on you and your family. 

It Awards Punitive Damages 

If the negligence that caused your injury was egregious, punitive damages should be included in your settlement. These are designed to “punish” the at-fault party for extreme carelessness and wanton disregard for the safety of others. 

When to Involve an Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer 

Were you or someone you love hurt or injured in an accident that was the fault of someone else? You deserve fair compensation and strong legal advocacy. Contact personal injury attorney Chad Lewin now for more information about personal injury settlements or to discuss your case in detail during an initial consultation.