What Makes a Car Accident Witness Credible

What to Know About Witness Credibility After a Car Accident 

The capacity of an automobile accident attorney to secure a fair settlement agreement is strongly influenced by the reliability (or lack thereof) of any witnesses who may have seen the collision. 

When the at-fault party isn’t immediately clear, the defense will focus on flaws in the testimony, memories, or character of witnesses. If you’re relying on eyewitness accounts after an automobile accident, it’s important to be sure the person will benefit your case, not hinder it. 

Factors That Make Witnesses More Credible 

Credibility may be difficult for the plaintiff to establish and easy for the other side to discredit. These are several qualities to look for in a trustworthy witness:

  • Good moral character 
  • A clean criminal record
  • Someone other than a close friend or family member 
  • Someone who clearly saw the accident without distraction 
  • Someone who was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol 

Ideally, your witness should be physically and mentally healthy enough that the validity of their testimony isn’t called into question. 

Factors That Can Make Witnesses Less Credible 

Witnesses who exhibit particular characteristics can be easily discredited by the other side. In fact, this is often the first tactic of defense attorneys who know their clients are responsible for the accident. 

Here are some instances of untrustworthy eyewitness accounts:

  • Someone who did not see the whole accident from beginning to end 
  • Someone who was distracted (e.g. texting a friend) 
  • Two witnesses whose statements contradict each other 
  • Someone who is closely related to or friends with the accident victim(s) 
  • Someone who stands to be impacted financially be the outcome of the case 
  • Someone who cannot communicate or articulate well for any reason 

In many cases where the only available witness is someone who the defense can easily paint in a negative light, it’s better to have no witness testimony than a statement from a witness who isn’t credible. 

How an Experienced Los Angeles Traffic Accident Lawyer Can Help You 

Were you injured in a car accident through no fault of your own? We can help you get the full and fair compensation you deserve after being hurt by a negligent party. Contact the Lewin Law Group today for a consultation with a Los Angeles, CA personal injury lawyer to discuss your case in detail by dialing 888.603.0201.