Cement Mixer Slides Down Embankment, Crashing into Our Client’s Van

On June 25, 2013, a family and a few of their friends were headed for a day of fun at Universal Studios. But, they never made it to Universal Studios that day.

In their Dodge Ram Van, they left their home in Highland, California and were traveling southbound on the 605 Freeway. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a 1998 Peterbilt cement-mixer came careening down an on-ramp embankment. It turned onto its side, skidded across lanes of traffic, and collided into our clients’ van.

The driver of the cement truck claimed that there were two phantom vehicles that stopped directly in front of him on the on-ramp, leaving him no choice but to veer off the road and down the on-ramp embankment.

Our clients suffered various injuries. Some of them were lucky enough to avoid serious injury. Unfortunately, others were not as lucky. The occupants of the van suffered injuries ranging from a comminuted leg fractures, requiring surgical implantation of hardware, to lacerations, scars, sprains, and strains.

The case settled at mediation prior to trial for the full amount of the driver’s commercial policy of $1 Million.