Nursing Home Abuse

Fighting For Elderly Rights In Los Angeles

It is not surprising that California has a large elderly population, in fact, it continues to grow exponentially annually. What is not commonly known is that the elderly are often subjected to horrific abuse and neglect at the hands of nursing home workers. This neglect can manifest itself both through physical injuries and medical complications as well as emotionally.

Nursing Facility Abuses

Emotional Abuse

Quite often nursing homes fail to do basic background checks and even with a thorough background check individuals that are meant to serve and protect your elderly relatives are not fit to do so.  Emotional abuse not only relates to foul and demeaning language and behavior, it can also present itself in neglectful care, exclusion of mealtime or medication, and worse yet, the failure to keep your elderly relative clean and in sanitary conditions.

Physical Abuse

Physical abuse may be the more common type of abuse that you or a loved one has seen on the  6 O’Clock news. Nurses or nurses aides who physically injury the elderly by pushing them, pulling, yanking, shoving in addition to other physical harm. These acts are vile and purposeful and most devastatingly, the elderly are not always able to verbalize the abuse.

Sexual Abuse

Unwanted touching or activity that is sexual in nature has been reported and often, the patient does not report this type of abuse out of embarrassment and or fear.

Neglect Abuse

Abuse that includes the neglect of feeding, cleanliness and socializing can harm the elderly both physically and emotionally. Some elderly need regular medication, their bodies alternated so as not to develop sores as well as socializing with other nursing home residents for their overall health and mental wellbeing, the failure to do so is cause for neglect.

Get Help Today

Nursing and medical facilities have a duty to abide by the best medical and personal care to each patient and resident. Elder abuse is traumatic for both the patient and their family.  If your parent or relative has been abused or you suspect that they being abused, it is important for early intervention and action. Contact our injury lawyers to learn how we can assist you during this difficult time.